Sunday, March 9, 2014


Love is a burst. Of feeling, of commitment, of gratitude, of contented bliss. Someone once asked me why I was single. Answered simply, people are selfish and I am too giving and I have not found a true accomplice who makes me burst forth. But I always have hope.

Saturday, March 8, 2014


You have many marvelous looks and I secretly note each one, contemplating what they mean. I watch your hands as you express yourself without words. Your lovely eyes and hands tell a beautiful story. I watch and listen like an enchanted child.


The simple comfort of someone's slow breath drifting off and the quiet warmth of waking to sleepy skin. The close, intimate business of joined slumber requires a body's ability to fully trust and relinquish; the most contented of all exhales. This feeling I seek forever eludes me.

Saturday, June 29, 2013


Warm, dark chocolate colored eyes, illuminated and hidden, only to be betrayed by the formation of a smile that quickly turned to laughter and a shy,shaking nod. How beautiful you are...


I can only see when I close my eyes


And then one day I started noticing things that had always been there - just never seen before.

Perfect night

Bare feet, wet hair, dancing in the boardwalk fountain with twinkling neons lights above, laughter filling the air


Cool, blue flames licking and burning down, dancing, soft and dangerous, with warmth and the power to scar.